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Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
Children: Yes
Location: KY
Religion: Christian
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dear expectant mother

Dear Expectant Mother,

God works in mysterious ways. While it is often hard to understand at the time, in many ways it becomes clear miles down the road. We believe our paths have crossed with yours in this very way. While we will never fully understand your experience as you are the only one who has lived it, we pray you do know how thankful we are for your strength and courage.

We also hope you know how incredibly committed we are to providing a loving and supportive home for your precious child. We value time spent together as a family and memories made along the way. From traveling to new corners of the earth to just being together at home for a lazy weekend, every bit of it is spent as a family. Please know that we will love and nurture our time together from the very first day we meet until our last days on Earth. We will raise them to be the type of respectful, responsible, and successful adult who will make you proud.

We are thankful and humbled that you would consider entrusting us with the most special gift that can be given. Please know we are here to support you every step of the way and cannot wait to begin our journey together. Thank you for considering us!

In love,
Matt and Melanie

About Us

Our story goes way back to middle school, but it was in high school that we first became sweethearts. Matt is an educational consultant now, but he's been through other roles along the way, like being a special education teacher and elementary school principal. Melanie is currently an instructor at a local college, but she spent years as an elementary school educator. All of these positions have been so rewarding. We love kids, and we're big on family! And we’re total beach bums. We love soaking up every moment at our condo. When we are feeling a little more adventurous, we like to travel to places we’ve never been as a family. We still have our lazy days at home though, spent watching movies or playing games. Our hearts are wide open, just waiting to welcome and love a new member into our little crew. We are excited for the journey ahead!

Our Home & Pets

We’re loving life in our central Kentucky hometown. It’s got a sweet mix of small-town charm and big growth. Both of us are educators, and the school system here? Top-notch—we're living proof! Even though it's got that cozy hometown feel, the city's buzzing with opportunities as industries and businesses are taking off, making our quality of life pretty fantastic. Now, our family isn't just us. Meet Lucy the cavapoo and Ricky the mini goldendoodle, the coolest pals for our kids. And let's not forget Hansel, the 13-year-old cat, bringing some feline charm. We’re soaking up the warmth of our community and the love in our family, and we're super pumped about expanding it through adoption!

Our Extended Family

Our family is pretty tight knit on both sides, creating an awesome support system for every single member. When we get together, it's a mix of laughs and shared moments, with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and a bunch of cousins hanging out. Family is a big deal for us, and we make sure to spend quality time together. Whether we're off on vacations, doing the holiday thing, or just getting dinner together, those moments really bring us closer. The cousins? They're more than playmates; they're like ride-or-die friends, almost like extra siblings, building this cool connection based on care and support.

Then you’ve got the grandparent squad bringing that extra warmth to our family vibe. They're not just about the fun stuff; they’re putting in the time to build real connections with each grandkid. Cheering at sporting events, making memories during pool days and sleepovers…the grandkids love it. Our folks? They totally get each grandchild as an individual, dishing out a unique and personalized kind of love and support only doting grandparents can. Our family is a tight circle of love, and we're 100% ready to welcome a new member into it through the beautiful journey of adoption.

What Led Us To Adoption

The adoption thing has been on our minds for ages. Even though we’ve had a blast raising our two biological boys for the past ten years, there’s been this feeling that our family isn’t quite complete. We’ve had our fair share of challenges—trouble conceiving and a couple of tough miscarriages. But you know what? Through all that, we've come to realize that adoption is our path. We’re all in, ready to shower a new addition with love, care, and endless support. Our boys are totally on board too and super excited to welcome a new sister or brother into our big, love-filled family.

Fun Facts

About Matt
Occupation Educational Consultant
Education Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
Race Caucasian
Favorite Food Japanese hibachi
Favorite Hobby University of Tennessee sports
Favorite Movie Forrest Gump
Favorite Sport Football
Favorite Music Group Zach Bryan
Favorite TV Show The Office
Favorite Tradition Thanksgiving at the beach
Dream Vacation Scotland
About Melanie
Occupation Collegiate Educational Site Instructor
Education Master of Arts in Special Education
Race Caucasian
Favorite Food Seafood
Favorite Hobby Reading, traveling
Favorite Movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
Favorite Sport Basketball
Favorite Music Group Taylor Swift
Favorite TV Show The Office
Favorite Tradition 4th of July fireworks on the beach
Dream Vacation Italy

Contact Matt & Melanie

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Choose a Family for
Your Baby With Confidence

As you browse our list of hopeful adoptive parents, you can feel confident in knowing that all of the adoptive families working with Angel Adoption are prepared to offer your baby a safe, stable, and loving environment along with a wealth of opportunities for a happy and fulfilling life.

Each adoptive parent has been thoroughly evaluated through a home study course conducted by a licensed agency. A completed home study means the family is emotionally, physically, and financially ready to adopt a baby.

The home study process includes assessments of each parent’s character, marital stability, financial situation, lifestyle, and medical history. The agency also runs background checks to verify there is no record of criminal activity or child abuse. In addition, a social worker will inspect the family’s home to ensure it is a safe environment for a child.

Furthermore, Angel Adoption requires each family to be educated on adopting and parenting. After a baby has been placed with the adoptive family, a social worker will continue to monitor and supervise the family. We go to great lengths to make sure all the families you have to choose from are going to be excellent parents for your baby!

Not sure how to start? See our How to Choose an Adoptive Family resource page.
If you need more help, you’re always welcome to contact us any time!

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