Types of Adoption

When putting your baby up for adoption, you have options. Those options start with choosing which type of adoption is best for you and your baby. Angel Adoption supports three different types of adoption: open adoption, semi-open adoption, and closed adoption. Consider all the differences between each type before deciding. We’ll ensure the adoptive families you choose from are interested in the same adoption type.
Choosing what type of adoption you’d like doesn’t have to be a decision you make alone. Your adoption coordinator will discuss the options with you in detail and help you decide.
Open Adoption
Open adoption is the most common form of adoption in the United States. In an open adoption, identifying information is shared, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses. An open adoption also includes varying degrees of openness after the adoption process is finalized. This typically includes the exchange of emails, letters, pictures, phone calls, and sometimes even in-person visits.
Semi-Open Adoption
Semi-open adoption is like an open adoption, but it is limited to only the exchange of photos, emails, and phone calls. The children involved don't normally have any direct communication with their birthparents.
Closed Adoption
With a closed adoption, no identifying information is shared between birthparents and adoptive families. It is 100% anonymous and involves zero ongoing contact after placement.