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Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
Children: No
Location: IA
Religion: Catholic
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dear expectant mother

You must be feeling many emotions at this point. We understand your journey to this moment has not been easy. We cannot imagine what you have gone through to get to this point, and we are so humbled and blessed to be considered to go down this road with you. More so, we are so incredibly grateful for the strength and sacrifice you have shown for your child. It is amazing to see how much love you have for them, and we only wish to show as much love to them as you have.

We want to provide a home where your child will feel safe, loved, respected, and supported and learn to treat others the same way. We are so excited to start family traditions, teach them life skills, travel, and introduce your child to our loved ones. He or she will be welcomed with open arms by our friends and family and already has many cousins to play with.

We know God has big plans for you and your child, and whatever happens, we pray for your happiness and peace. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us, and we look forward to getting to know you if that is your wish.

About Us

Jake and Jill met on a hill (literally as our college is on top of a big hill overlooking the city) in 2015. Our shared family experiences, similar values, and love of the outdoors brought us together. We spent many nights around campus stargazing, taking walks, and hiking through the prairie that is behind the school. We have been married since 2018 and currently live in a small town in Iowa. Jake is caring yet driven, which has helped his success in becoming a dentist. Jill is friendly and enjoys talking with patients at her job as an x-ray tech at the hospital. When not working, we love to spend time with family and friends or outside near the lake in our town bike riding, kayaking, and fishing year round. We still go on our nightly walks, this time around the lake!

Our Home & Pets

We own a home that has a big yard with a garden in the summer and space to build snowmen in the winter. We are conveniently located near the library, hospital, school, lake, and a park with a splash pad only several blocks away. There are many bike trails around town and even an amusement park nearby. We have a pet tabby cat, Abby, who is seven years old and loves to cuddle. She acts more like a dog than a cat, as she will usually greet us at the door for belly rubs when we get home. She is the sweetest cat and would be great for a human sibling to grow up with!

Our Extended Family

We both come from big, loving families and would love our future children to have the same experiences we had with many siblings to play with. In her family, Jill has her parents, six siblings, two nephews, two nieces and 14 aunts and uncles on both sides plus their families. Jake’s family is similar as he has his grandfather, parents, five siblings, 15 nieces and nephews, and eight aunts and uncles on both sides plus their families.

We both grew up with numerous cousins to play with at holiday gatherings. We love to gather with both of our families for holidays and whenever we can throughout the year. We spend at least a weekend together at Jill’s parents’ farm in the summer and a week at a little, family-friendly lake resort in Minnesota every summer with Jake’s siblings. They grew up going there and have recently started going back with all of their families. It is perfect for kids, and we cannot wait to experience it with our future family.

What Led Us To Adoption

Starting a family has always been a life goal for us. After struggling through almost five years of infertility, we felt called to grow our family through adoption. We are excited to adopt as we have friends and family members on both sides who have been adopted, such as a sister-in-law, an aunt, several cousins, and Jill’s two nephews and a niece. We can’t imagine our lives without them and know any future children will be accepted and so loved. Both of our families were very supportive when we told them of our adoption plans, and they are so excited for us to pursue this opportunity!

Fun Facts

About Jake
Occupation Dentist
Education Doctorate
Race Caucasian
Favorite Food Steak, anything sweet
Favorite Hobby Finance, reading
Favorite Movie Harry Potter
Favorite Sport Football
Favorite TV Show Shark Tank
Favorite Subject in School Science
Favorite Tradition Homemade brunch on Sunday mornings
Dream Vacation Europe
About Jill
Occupation X-ray Tech
Education Bachelor’s
Race Caucasian
Favorite Food Pizza, anything sweet
Favorite Hobby Baking, reading
Favorite Movie Cheesy Christmas movies
Favorite Sport Volleyball
Favorite TV Show Parks and Recreation, Friends
Favorite Subject in School History
Favorite Tradition Picking out and decorating our real Christmas tree every year
Dream Vacation Switzerland

Contact Jake & Jill

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Choose a Family for
Your Baby With Confidence

As you browse our list of hopeful adoptive parents, you can feel confident in knowing that all of the adoptive families working with Angel Adoption are prepared to offer your baby a safe, stable, and loving environment along with a wealth of opportunities for a happy and fulfilling life.

Each adoptive parent has been thoroughly evaluated through a home study course conducted by a licensed agency. A completed home study means the family is emotionally, physically, and financially ready to adopt a baby.

The home study process includes assessments of each parent’s character, marital stability, financial situation, lifestyle, and medical history. The agency also runs background checks to verify there is no record of criminal activity or child abuse. In addition, a social worker will inspect the family’s home to ensure it is a safe environment for a child.

Furthermore, Angel Adoption requires each family to be educated on adopting and parenting. After a baby has been placed with the adoptive family, a social worker will continue to monitor and supervise the family. We go to great lengths to make sure all the families you have to choose from are going to be excellent parents for your baby!

Not sure how to start? See our How to Choose an Adoptive Family resource page.
If you need more help, you’re always welcome to contact us any time!

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