Communication Options after Placing Your Baby for Adoption

As part of your adoption plan, you get to choose the level of communication you have with the adoptive family and the baby after you give your baby up for adoption. When it comes to this decision, there is no right or wrong answer; you should choose whatever feels best for you and your baby.
Open Adoption
In an open adoption, the adoptive parents meet and stay in touch with the birthmother. This is the most common type of adoption. During the pregnancy, the birthmother and adoptive parents communicate and sometimes meet in person. The birthmother and adoptive parents come to an agreement on the level of openness and frequency of in-person visits both before and after the adoption.
Semi-open Adoption
In a semi-open adoption, the relationship between the birthmother and adoptive parents includes the sharing of personal information to some degree. There is usually a level of communication during the pregnancy, but there are no in-person visits after the adoption. Semi-open adoptions usually just include the exchange of photos and/or letters.
Closed Adoption
In a closed adoption, there is little to no communication between the birthmother and adoptive families, and limited information is shared between them. Sometimes, closed adoptions can be completely anonymous, which means the adoptive parents and the birthmother never meet or communicate, and no identifying information is shared.
To learn more about giving your baby up for adoption, complete our free information request form.