Choosing Whether to Give Your Baby Up for Adoption

There are countless reasons why expectant mothers choose to give their babies up for adoption. While one expectant mother might not have an issue with a certain circumstance, that same circumstance might be the main reason behind another expectant mother’s decision to pursue adoption. While it is a very personal decision, there are some common reasons expectant mothers may consider giving their baby up for adoption.
Financial Issues
Expectant mothers without a stable income may feel they cannot provide their child the type of life they feel their child deserves. It can feel overwhelming to suddenly have another person who depends entirely on you, not just financially, but emotionally as well. Some expectant mothers who already have children feel that they could not adequately care for and support another child.
Lack of Support
While some parents are able to continue on with their lifestyle, education, and/or career after an unplanned pregnancy, it is often because they have the help and support of friends and family members. For women who do not have any friends or family members supporting them during this time, it may seem very scary to be a parent with little to no help raising their child.
Too Young or Inexperienced
Parenting is a lifelong commitment. Many younger expectant mothers feel they are simply not mentally or physically ready to begin the journey of parenthood at their age.
Wanting a Two-Parent Household
Some expectant mothers facing an unplanned pregnancy find themselves without a present, invested partner during their pregnancy. Due to personal beliefs or past experience, some women feel that having a two-parent family is an absolute must for any child they bring into the world.
Unsafe Situations or Traumatic Circumstances
Other reasons women may consider giving their baby up for adoption include things like rape, incest, homelessness, being in an abusive situation, or just wanting a better life for their child than they can provide.
To learn more about giving your baby up for adoption, complete our free information request form.