For Your Parents

Is your daughter or your son facing an unplanned pregnancy? You may be wondering about their options and how you can help. We can help you and your son or daughter understand their options and decide if adoption is best for all of you.
The Role of Birthgrandparents in Adoption
If your son or daughter is considering adoption for their unborn baby, it is important to respect them as individuals. You can provide as much guidance and support as you’d like, but remember that the decision is ultimately theirs to make.
If you’d like to be involved in the adoption process, discuss your thoughts and wishes with your son or daughter. Come to an agreement about how much you will be involved before and after the adoption. During the adoption process, you may be able to meet with and help choose adoptive parents, attend doctor’s appointments, attend counseling, and provide moral support. If they choose an open adoption, you may also be involved in ongoing communication with the baby after the adoption.
More Information About Adoption
To help you make the decision that is right for your son or daughter and their baby, please feel free to explore the informational resources for birthmothers available on our site. If you’d like to talk to someone right now, call us at 1-888-378-1112. Our friendly, caring adoption coordinators are available 24/7 to take calls and answer questions.